Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pheww...these guys

Today morning Kunal and I were fighting on something. I snatched his cell phone and hid in the staircase behind the door. But these guys knew about it and rammed in there and started snatching away the phone from me. During this tug of war I dropped the stylus of his chic Motorola cell.

So, Kunal and Styam made me climb down to the weak sunshade which has become shrubby thanks to wild wines. Initially I got scared that it will break and I will fall off but these guys stood there staring at me so I had to climb on it. But it was fun, and I could find the stylus as well.

With friends like these I am not scared of enemies at all . :-)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friends forever

This morning I got a g mail ping from a friend cum former colleague of mine. She wrote, “Hey! Even Kunal has put in his papers. What are you waiting for?” As soon as I read it, I rushed to Kunal and bombarded him with questions; " You did not tell me you have resigned! Where have you joined? When are you leaving?" i asked him. He took me to our usual hangout “The Staircase”. Initially, he was not forthcoming. But as he realised that there is no escaping without answering me; he finally gave up and confided into me. teddy bear
We discussed about all the offers he had, and decided which one was the best. After the meeting i was feeling a bit uneasy, the trouble is that i can't share these details with anyone, I can't even put it on my blog, because I have promised Kunal to keep things to myself only.

In the recent past, quite a few people have quit and more colleagues have put in their papers. Although new people are joining the team, all good friends are leaving the organization. In fact they too are asking me to change. But I am ambivalent about leaving this place and there are reasons. Sanna’s office is nearby so we have lunch together and return home together. My boss is a great writer, and he is helping me in improving my writing skill. I also share a good rapport with my boss and I am scared at the prospects of what if I get a bad boss in new office?

Well, as far as my shifting is concerned lets see what happens to it. But I am sure as hell that I am going to miss my friends.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bullies! That's what we are ;-)

Here a colleague and I are bulling another colleague of ours.
Office is fun after all...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Make people love you...

Destiny plays an immense role in our lives. I still wonder how unlikely it was for me and Sanna to meet. We belong to different states, different cultures, work in different companies, and are completely different personalities. But today we have become inseparable.

Likewise a few days back I took a gentleman out for a media round, I don’t even service that account. I took him just to help a colleague who also happens to be a friend. On the way we (client and I) started chatting on different things and by the end of our round we became friends. I learned a lot of things from him such as how to give a little personal touch to your otherwise business relationship without overdoing it.

We were discussing about cooking and he claimed to be a good cook. Latter he told me that he had lost his mother at the age of 13; he was the eldest with a 9-year old brother and 4-year old sister. So he had to cook everyday before going to school that's how he become a great cook. He talked about his first love in life; to become an actor. But his father asked him to think of something sensible instead.

At around 48-year of age he is working as a vice president with a big company; is happily married, and has a very cute son and loving son. He has gone through the thick and thin in life, and he has forgotten nothing about his past, which I think has helped him not be bigheaded in life.

While climbing up the stairs of my home I pledged not to be arrogant ever in my life. As I know being proud will only make me miss beautiful things in life.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

One my way to office

"This auto is the cleanest auto I have ever seen”, I said appreciably to the auto driver. “Oh, because it takes me two hour to clean it every morning”, he beamed. ‘Only yesterday my wife told me that her friend teased her,” your husband starts washing that auto without even washing his face” said the proud owner of that stunning auto. That is how our conversation started on my way to office. We talked more about his auto for another thirty minutes, and than I handing him Rs.80 and got down at my office gate.

cars & auto
This is how I pass my time while commuting to my office. Earlier I used to listen to radio but since I have exchanged my cell phone with the basic Noika phone of my brother. I am left with a few options:

1) Sulk about the horrible jam of Delhi (Risk: Getting early wrinkles and dark circles around my eyes)

2) Day dreaming and napping (Risk: Frustration when I wake up to reality; losing my valuable at the red light in case of napping)

3) Humming and singing softly (risk of being mocked because if people notice me they will think I am talking to myself)

Or I can converse with the auto driver. Topic of conversation can range from weather discussion, cricket match (why India is not doing well) to political discussion (how to eradicate poverty and terrorism). Not only my time cut to half while talking to someone but in certain cases these people go to great length to mare sure I am safe. Just like another day when some guys started stalking me on bike and started commenting loudly on the color of my cloths. My auto driver not only gave them a stern look but also sneaked into the middle of the cars.

Once I was standing at the road side to catch an auto than suddenly this bright auto-walla asked me to hop in. I did not have to negotiate on the price though I could not recognize him but this guy did recognize me.

So I had a happy ride to office, but yes I also had some of the nasty experiences with auto drivers. When some of the auto guys suddenly start fighting that he agreed at too low a fair. Or they unexpectedly stop there auto and say they will not go beyond this or their meter abruptly stop working and stuff like this.

Whatever, I still consider “talking to the auto driver” as the best option.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Call Me Whatever...

Sometimes I can’t understand my self. This girl who I never used to think of as a friend, suddenly became so close to me. When she left office today (she has got a better opportunity) I was feeling so strange. I was sort of missing her. But I scared of expressing this, because I think she will find it funny and laugh at me. friendshipMost of the people in office regarded her as a girl who is proud and lot of attitude. Just a few days back we become friends and started sharing things with each other. When I came close to her emotionally that I realized she is just another girl like me who also gets hurt by small things. When I mention to her what people think about her and what one particular girl, whom she really trusted, had to say about her, she just broke into tears like one small girl. Why people have to say something bad about every one? Why can’t they simply go about their business without making some one sad or pathetic?

Whatever, all I care is that I liked her and wish her good luck. But I think I lost one more good friend in life. Though we have made promises to keep in touch over phone and g- chat lets see how it will work out. All I wish now, is that I would have known her from the very day I had join this office, and she considers me a good friend.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wow, It is SEPTEMBER!!

It is mid September(Butterfly feelings time ;-))and weather is still not very pleasant here in the capital, but today for change it’s lovely. And as everyone knows lovely weather means staying out of office for longer time and indulging in to that- sweet and never ending “Gossip Sessions”. God I love this.

My boss is out for some meeting and I refused to accompany him, on the pretext of some unfinished work which I plan to finish today. (I ammm Smaaaarttt). We (a colleague and I) just made a quick (30 minutes long) trip to near by momos’ stall. I had corn while my colleague preferred momos. Then we chatted for good 15 minutes out side our office.

Well, the fun does not end here. After stepping into office i had a wonderful gossiping session with another colleague,  it feels good to know what is happening in your own office. Who is going around with whom. Since there was nothing more to know I left the gossiping group and started surfing net.

Read two articles written by Spartan on Mashable .com, and I am still feeling good about it. Ohh, not to forget that I checked his blogs too.

Now I am tired and thinking of working for a while to relax. (Why everyday is not like this?)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

You too make someone smile

Yesterday Sanna and I went to KFC. As we got down from the car a beggar came running after us. He was an old fellow with disabled leg, and was very feeble. He requested Sanna to get him some thing to eat. He said he doesn’t want money but he is starving.

I asked Sanna to get him something to eat from a vendor outside, as that would be cheap. But Sanna ignored and walked inside, and bought a chicken burger for him. I went out to offer it to the old man. I still can’t forget the spark in his eyes and the smile he gave me as I was walking towards him. When I offered Berger to him, he said` I knew you will come`.

As we were leaving that place that guy stood by our car and bowed his head and kept on smiling. That child like smile on his face was captivating.

I am so happy that we made some on smile. Why not all of us who can make people smile make a promise to ourselves that we will make one person smile every day, or at least every week. Trust me it will not cost you much, or may be not cost you anything at all. It will give you immense pleasure and you will be a happier person.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life Is Not That Bad After All

Some times I think that I am so bless to have the Sana (My boyfriend). Indeed we fight for nothing at all, some times he drives me mad and then doesn’t call me for the whole day and night. But still he is the only guy, who understands me so well. At times I become so miserable, that I don’t know what to do? I feel sad for nothing at all. I don’t want to get married, I don’t want to work, but want to run away to some uninhabited place. Where, there will be a lake and I will dance in the rain all day long.

But when I tell all this to Sana, and tell him I don’t want to get married. He explain things so nicely, and suddenly change “I” who would dance in the rain in that dream place to “WE”. I tells me nicely,` Sweets when ever after marriage you wish you were never married, I will move to the other room, you can have all you independence and do what you want to do all alone. But I know you, middle of the night you, yourself will run to me and tell me you are done being single.”

He makes me believe things. Boring life suddenly once again becomes interesting and lovely with him. He is the cutest guy for me. I hate my mood swings, but with him around I know everything is going to be just fine no matter what.

I love the way he cares for me. Just some days back he bought me a dozen of bananas and a pack of chocolate cornflakes because he was concerned that I don’t eat anything in the morning.

Thanks god for being so nice to me, and giving me someone like him to be with me and take so good care of me.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Anger is a dreadful thing, well now i know

My health was down for last few days. I was at home all the time; I spent most of my time sleeping and rest reading a novel called “FOREVER”. I have read some 267 pages of this novel and have reached to a level of addiction. There is so much suspense and lot of murder happening and all that.

But my bad luck I tore this novel apart in pieces following some verbal altercation with my mother. I hate it when some one mistreat my books or throw them. And my mother did exactly same, she threw my novel off the sofa when I had gone to the other room to change. I don’t know what happened to me when I listened that “thud”. I came dashing to the room my mom was in, and I picked the book tore it and threw it off the window. Then I went mad I picked all those precious gifts I have got and smashed them on the floor.

Oh I loved those gifts and I have put them on the table besides my bed. Well, about after an hour when I was cool down I asked my nephew to go and get pieces of the novel, which I though still be laying on the ground, but to my disappointment some rag picker had already took them from there.

So Moral is in anger to just lose lose and lose……
Now I am trying to find this novel. I want to know what happens in the end.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Spartan

Hey Petu Spartan,

Many many Happy Returns of the day. May all your dreams come true. May you be the happiest person on this earth. I know i am a bit irritating girl, fight with you for no reason at all. But believe me i love you more then anything, i do act strange and pretend as if i don't care, but "I Do" i do care for every thing.

Every act of yours make a huge difference in my life. I have dream of my future my family with you. Because of you my life is so secure and im at peace. I am not worried of what may happen tomorrow. And it gives me immense joy to know that you understand me so well. You make complicated things very easy. Things which make me ponder all day seems so trivial when you explain them.

I love you lots. You are my world, my petu Spartan.
Once again very very happy birthday.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Life Is A Bitch

Everything is so happy and wonderful, and still it is not. You have get what you needed but then you don't have what you want. In fact you are so confused in life you don't actually know what you want. You try to live every moment. you try not to think a lot about future and decide to take things as they will come. But then is it why you say life is a bitch?

Or there are more reasons for it? Why life keep on unfolding so many mysteries every now and then. Why you cant live your life the way you always wanted to? Why there is some constraints every time for everything? Why cant we be free like birds and fly. Every day at least once i imagine my self away from everything, every one.... in a far far away land, in lush green place besides a beautiful river bank enjoying my self, running like an animal all over the green land which is beautified with most beautiful flowers in the world, then diving in river playing in water all alone for long hours. Then dressing my self with wonderful flowers and sleeping on green grass under the open sky with thousands of shining stars. It feels like heaven. But then i return to my senses and back to this man eat man world, and i ask my self what have i done to deserve this?
Here no one respect each other, women is mere a commodity for large number of men. Money speaks for every thing. But no matter how much money one has can that person buy the happiness and peace of mind i enjoy at least once a day in my dream world??

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pheww What A Day!

opening my blog after a long time. All these days were so very hectic including today. Today I have organized a relationship building meeting of one of my clients with a financial journalist who write on his industry but more of features. Meeting was good until my client broke news to her which even I did not know. I was zapped oh my god what is he doing? It was not supposed to be this way; we were planning to formally introduce this news to media after a week.

I even sent him a message from across the table but I think that sms never reached him.
But as soon as the meeting was over I called a journalist of one of the financial paper and gave the news to him, and as I share good relation with him I told him what happened. So tomorrow I am sure if not much this news will be in one of the top financial paper.

Now I am waiting for my client to send a note on the subject to the journalist who has already called me thrice as his story filing time is approaching him. On my part I have already spoken to client twice and told him journalist’s plight. Now it’s already 5:42 in the evening so let’s see what happens?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Are we new age PR professionals?

I am a PR professional and i love my job. Not only i am enjoying my work , but there is also this new interest I have hooked in to from about 7-8 months, and that is reading blogs on PR 2.0, communication, as i don't want to be left behind. India PR blog is my favorite PR blog.

I am amazed to see that how many people, with immense passion, write on PR and how PR profession is evolving.

But it’s saddening to know “Social Media” is still an alien term for PR professional at large in India. Not only they are ignorant to it, they are not even interested to know. I asked PR people of an eminent PR agency in India about Social media and to my horror none of them knew about it and what disgusted me the most they said “it's shit”

When all these people are there in the profession do you expect “ BlogsPodcasts” making there way in to traditional PR practice?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Love keeps us going

Some times life seems to be so confusing, and relationships become strange. Things go exactly opposite to how you have had planned them.

But then love keeps us alive, and I think we should not do something to hurt our loved one. We have chosen them above all other people, and can’t let go of them for any reason or thing.

I have realized happiness; fun is good as long as it’s not going to create a trouble in our relationship. In life some time you have to let go of things to run your life smoothly and to be away from complications.

Friday, August 3, 2007

My Jaipur Trip

Last two days were very hectic; I was out of town with my team, for some event of our client. I was so excited to go, as I though I will get to see the new city and would be able to buy some stuff. But as soon as I reached there, ahh, we can’t even checked in to our hotel were rushed to the venue and stayed there till eleven at night then we went to our hotel checked in took bath had dinner at around 11:30pm, and then I went to bed.

Next day we got up early went to a famous temple there, and then went back to the venue. Since 9 in the morning I was running here and there to make sure if things are all right and then working in close association of my boss and the person of our other branch for press meet. I could not even grab a bite all this time and had lunch at around 4:30pm.

Right after the lunch we started for our journey back home. All my hopes to see the famous forts of the city dashed, and the worst thing my phone balance died and I could not talk to Sanna, and I missed him a lot all these two days. All the time my colleagues were teasing me for this. When I reached back at around 11:30pm he came to pick me and dropped me home, which I liked so much as a get to see him after two long days.

Well as the out come of the whole event is good, so all’s well that ends well.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Who is that guy in those “Sexy Shades”?

Yesterday Sanna (My BF) and I went to get his eyes checked. Well the eye specialist said he has to wear glasses or lenses. He being a care less guy opted for glasses (for the time being). All the time there at optician I was teasing him that now he is not only has a little paunch and is getting bald but also going to wear glasses. Sanna also bought a stunning pair of shades from there. He was looking damn good in those amazing shades.

But as I love to tease him, I was asking him repeatedly “ hey do you think it will make up for all your shortcomings??;-) For sure this is making you look hot and sexy but are you assuming I will disregard the fact that you are short tempered. ;-)
He he he…ohhh god I love teasing him. For sure he is a nice, caring guy, who loves a cartoon like me.

P.S.-If you spot a hot guy in shades you know who he is. Right? :-D

What Are They Saying? Who Gives A Damn. :)

What do you have to say when you come to know that you being talked about on you back for having an affair which you never had? :-o

Should you be happy that at least your colleagues talk about you even when you are not there? Or you should be angry on them for spreading rumor about you and being sweet to you on your face?

Well I decided to be happy. ;-) As I know that the colleague I am being linked to by some morons( who are also a big time losers) is a good friend and is about to get married, and I am in to a serious relationship and by gods grace my boyfriend trusts me and loves me a lot :). Well I love him too more then anything.

I told this entire story to the guy I am supposedly having an affair and we had a laugh on it, wonder what people be thinking when we were laughing together.

Ohh poor losers finally some one giving them some meaning to their insignificant life, :-D but how would these morons feel when they come to know they don’t even exist in my world.he he he :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wonderful Days

Saturday and Sunday were wonderful days. I woke up at around seven in the morning, mom had just come from himachal, after receiving a warm hug and having a cup of tea, we started chatting.

We kept on chatting till afternoon, then I left home to meet a friend, we were planning to go for a movie, but we missed, and I don’t regret it. We had a wonderful time together, and after having dinner together and I come home with a good note and promise to meet tomorrow. Come tomorrow and I was again busy talking to my dad , mom and then watching Harry potter.

I met my friend around 3pm and we went straight to watch “Because I said so” I knew its not going to be a fun movie and that my friend is not going to like it but with the kind of movies are on air , I thought this is the safest bet but hmmmm….i was wrong.

Still a fantastic and full of fun this weekend was, come to think of it almost all my weekends are full of fun. Even though I was having differences with my friend (BF to be correct) but the weekend made me forget every thing as he made me feel so loved, so all the things become trivial.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beautiful Himachal

I have come back from my home town after five days of holidaying. The place I belong to is extremely beautiful. My home is in valley surrounded by mountains from every side. You can see snow clad peaks of mountains all year long. God I miss Himachal. I still remember when I was young (I use to stay in Himachal) during winters there would thin layer of ice over water. I would be so cold that my brother and I would not drink adequate water.

We have done lot of stupid things together like killing bats with pillow, we would use pillow as bat and hit bat when ever any unfortunate bird would enter our home at night. We would kill rats and flies. What ever good or bad we have done, I miss it. Well I would not kill poor animals ever again but I miss those beautiful full of fun days.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why Life Is Like This?

Going to my home town for four or five days. Was not very happy to go there initially but now since things are not smooth with my BF, I am feeling good that I am going away from this maddening place.

So times I feel I could go to some place, far away from every body. Right now, I wish to call my mother and ask her to find some guy for me. I don’t want to come back to this place, where every body is so mean.
When I look around I see people unhappy for one or other reason, Why every one is not happy in their life. Why sad, bad things happen?

Is "i love u" too personal detail?

My blog is like my personal diary, and people tend to write what ever they feel like on their diaries. But every time I write about my feeling for my boy friend on my blog, he does not like it and eventually I have to delete the post or comment containing my feeling for him.

Is my blog not mine enough that I can write freely on it? Why do I have to take permissions from other people if I can write something or not? All I wish to write that I love him a lot, is it too much of a personal detail to not to be disclosed? If you don’t like something don’t read it, why some people like to spoil others mood?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Which dream to believe on ;-)

Was surfing through a blogger friend’s blog, In one of the post he has described how he is having nightmares, that his girl friend is dying of cancer. Which causes him intense pain that he cried in sleep, woke up early morning and smsed his GF to know if every thing is alright. Now he wants to know if this dream has any relevance or not?

Well, even I have been dreaming funny things about my office and colleagues now days. (Almost everyday) But I don’t believe in what ever I have seen, is going to happen or is happening :). It’s just that I may be unconsciously thinking so much about these things that they were still running in mind even when I am asleep.

I still remember when I was a kid I would dream about ghosts, some horrible animals every time my brother and I will talk about them or watch such movies. Then we will wake up crying at night, and get good telling off from our mom very next morning.

I don’t believe in nightmares, but dreams yes I believe explicitly. ;-)

Working Hard :(

After working hard all five days of the week I get weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) for my self. But unfortunately almost every alternative weekend I am working as my clients organize all the events, parties on weekends.

I was working all Saturday in office in order to secure good coverage for one of my clients and to get P3 media for the other client’s event, which happened on Sunday.

Not only I had to work on weekends, but when I come to office on Monday morning, I came to know one of the clients interview is happening in two publications, I did not even know the venue. Both of my team members (seniors) were inaccessible, and I had to rush to the interview site after a long discussion with the other branch.

Some time I wonder am I the only person who is working so hard?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How UCB treating its customers?

We are planning to go to disc. On Friday, so all of us (girls) are very excited about it. Since yesterday we are planning who is wearing what? After office Manka, Geetika and I planned to go to Shopper Stops for shopping; all of us were planning to buy some cool, trendy, halter neck tee- shirt.

We looked around all shopper stop, in each showroom for it, but we did not find any tee strikingly good to buy it.

But I end up buying on cool jeans from United Colors Of Benetton. Jeans was little long for me, and has to be altered. Because Manka was in rush so I asked the sales guy there, if I can get it altered at any showroom of UCB, he replied affirmatively saying “ yes , you can get it done at any of our showroom, any time all you have to do is to show the bill”.

So the same evening I went to an UCB showroom near to my office and requested then to alter my jeans, but they downright refused saying “ no, we don’t alter sales items” So I told him politely “ this is fresh stock, you guys did not give me any discount” then they put me to the manager who again said they cant do it for the same reason, so I cleared out his doubt . On this he told me anyway they will not do it till the sales is going on. So please bring it latter.

Now, have I done something wrong by buying their product? Is this what I deserved after spending 1800 bucks? Or their responsibility ends as soon as customer is out of the show room? Or I should not have believed this guy when he told me I can get it done at any of their showroom? Just because they don’t have any coordination among them selves (among showrooms), should the customers suffer for it?

At least from now on I will think twice before buying something from UCB.

What will you call me?

I have 4 gmail accounts, 2 yahoo account, Hi5 account, Facebook, Orkut account and not to forget my official email ID. I have run short of nick names to create new ID’s.

Well I made all these Gmail ID’s one after another to run from people. Every time I don’t wish to see some one added in my gmail, I would open a new one. But when I look back I realize it has done no good. I still don’t wish to see lot of people there on my new gmail Account. And I want to talk to people/ friends which are there on my old ID but cant invite them to new ID, What will they think about me if I keep on sending them friends requests every other day from new ids.

Even my boy friend has started asking me “how many ID’s do you have, hope you won’t go on BF making spree like this”. Sound funny?? Hmmm… not to me.

I have even forgotten from which Id I have claimed my blog on Technorati, of course I am feeling bad and little tensed. But then my BF is helping me to figure out this.

MORAL: - Lot of Email ID’s land you in to deep S&@#T.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Which celebrity do you look alike?


Came to know from a friend about a cool website named myheritage.com. All you have to do is to upload your picture and it will scan your face and find out all the celebrities, whom to resemble. Well I have already run it twice with different pictures in hope of resembling some real pretty chick but then no success so far… No problems, all I need is some more pictures and a weekend to do it all day long. ;-)

My colleague has also tried it and she resembles Julia Roberts. But sorry guys she is engaged and we don’t have any vacancy in our office. Bad luck hunhhh.

Here’s the link to this site:-
do let me know who all you guys resemble, and how do you find this site.

What a weekend it was :)

This weekend was one of the wonderful weekends I ever had. I enjoyed it so much. Laughed a lot, made some of the most meaning remarks, teased, grinned, was happy, sad, ,in short experienced almost all emotions in these two days. Woke up little late on Saturday but unpredictably my Bf called me around 12:15 or something which means calling real early for a lazy bum like him. So the surprises started happening from 12:15 on Saturday

Had the most fantastic time with him, we laughed like mad. I can’t disclose one what things as I have swear on him. Ha ha ha ;-)( I have not put any link on your name Sanna ;-P.)

We eat out at Delhi Heart, a place he almost loathes. So I couldn’t even complain about those stale momo’s I had..uukkkkkkk…horrible :-X, wonder what has happened to that Nagaland Stall, it used to have most delicious momo around Delhi. Anyway….
Came back home quite late, skipped my guitar class too.

On Sunday as usual woke up late, watched Harry potter the first part, than washed my formal cloth, took me whole (BLODDY) day to clean them. Ahhhhh Poor me! Sanna (My BF) called me little late as expected and we made a plan to meet around 7pm, but that plan could not be materialized as I had to go to market to collect my formal shirt, I was out till 8:30Pm so we postponed out meeting to Monday

At night we had fight (Sanna and I) over something, I apparently irritated him, so he snapped the line, and that is some thing I hate to core. So I put a sms as expected out of me, he called back. But as every one knows girlfriends never make up in first call so he called me again (well he is smart) in some time. Than we chatted for a long time and his plan to watch a movie at night went for a toss. I think he watched some part of the movie.

So I had a emotion packed weekend, and it was as I said wonderful.

Today is Monday I am back in office two of my clients stories have make it to Economic Times front page so I am happy.

Well time to get back to work………..

Wow, that was a weekend. :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

How to wear SARI

To wear a sari is not a big deal for Indians.

Like in southren parts of the country women wear sari even at night. Wonder how do they manage in sari.

You need to wear a "Petticoat"or underskirt and a "blouse" underneath.
You wrap the sari over Petticoat, make pleats, and tuck the edge in petticoat. as illustreated in the pictures.

On Saturday i wore sari in fact my mother helped me to wear one, and she took more then half an hour. :) As we belong to the part of colourful India where women wear suits, instead of sari.

But certainly sari makes you look more beautiful and sensual.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wow Saturday

Saturday was a great day.... i did lots of great things:)
1) Wore sari
2) Went for a pitch presentation
3) Completed pending work
4) Met Sana......
5) watched "Die Hard"

Not only i wore sari, but also clicked pictures so that i could show it to sana. After the presentation i changed in to jeans. came back to office and completed some work. Than went over to sana's place...., after that we went to watch "Die Hard". We had dinner and i came back home. So all in all had a beautiful day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bye Bye Advertisements

I am going to delete all these advertisements from my blog, I don’t want it to be famous anymore. I don’t care if some one reads it or not. It was never meant for this. I created it so that I can share all my feeling with it. But over the period of time I became greedy and put advertisement on it, linked many blogs and requested them to link me too.

But, now enough of all these stupid things. Anyway, even if It get linked with many blogs, who’s going to read it and click on advertisements. Who care about others feelings? Who give a damn in what mood I am today, if I had a fight with my boyfriend or we are happy together.

So bye bye, google adsense.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Stupid, Chacha.com :-X

A friend of mine, is mad about blogging and net surfing. Every other day he comes up with some new funny site URL.
On Friday he suggested me chacha.com, some new award winner search site. Award winner, because they have personalized the search. Every time you type some thing to search, they will ask if you need more help, than chat live with a guide. By clicking on that a chat window opens, and you chat to someone, to get more accurate results.

I typed my friend’s name, and in chat window i told this person i am looking for the contact details of a friend of mine. A long lost friend. First of all its very slow. One can easily get irritated just waiting for the person to reply. To my surprise they displayed a page saying you are using abusive language and logged me out, and have written if it’s sent to you by mistake then please write to us at abuse_resolution@chacha.com, we will check at our end. I have sent an email to them on Friday its Monday today no reply from their end.

So why would some one search through them. To wait endlessly for results or to get logged off and to add insult to injuries display some page saying you are being abusive.

There goes the chat with the guide--------------------------

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Ken(84170)
Ken(84170): Welcome to ChaCha!
Ken(84170): Hi
Ken(84170): How may i assist you?
You: hi
You: can u find contact details of
You: palin
You: palin ningthoujam?
Ken(84170): sure
Ken(84170): let me look that for you
You: thnx
You: who long would it take??
Ken(84170): There you go
Ken(84170): Have a good day
Ken(84170): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Friday, June 22, 2007

another meme - viralink

Another meme from Andy Coates....cool one :-)

To know how this works, head over to his blog for the detailed explanation.

———copy and paste the Viralink and instructions below this line———

Below is a matrix of 120 stars, I have already added a link to my blog onto one of the stars, all you need to do is copy and paste the grid into your blog and add your own link to one of the other spare stars, and tell others to do the same!



When I receive a ping back once you have added the Viralink to your site I will add your link to this grid, and each person who copies the grid from here will also link to your site!

No Porn Sites
Only 1 link per person (i.e don't hog the viralink!)
Please don't tamper with other peoples url's

———copy and paste the Viralink and instructions above this line———

Let's get share some link love again :-)

One more request is that you can leave a comment here so that I'm doubly sure that you have linked me, before I can see your linkback on Google or Technorati. Cheers.

Spreading links with viral tags

Many of my friends are joining the blog memes around....it's time I join one. Sounds like fun...

This one is by Jimmy from Founder's Cafe. The rules are simple. Copy and paste the link below, put it on your blog and leave me a comment, and I'll link to you as well. Enjoy :-)

========= Copy and Paste below this line ==========


1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “ViralTags” below courtesy of Founders Cafe (to support Jimmy’s quest of launching his own Internet Startup with a shoestring budget, please consider subscribing to his Full RSS Feed to see his triumps and struggles in real time).

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “Viral Tags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “Viral Tags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Tags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

Host Tag: Butterfly Feelings

International City Travel Asian Celebrity News One Million Shirts Tech at Hand Rich Minx Internet Marketing Austria Ageless Beauty Web 2.0 Tutorials Technology Music Life infokarir jobs Manila Mom Link Love Blogging Money Secret Internet Startup Blog Web Design Blog Daily Life Technology Make Money Blogging Steve’s Tech Blog Agloco Internet Marketing Daily Bulls Investing Tech Gadgets Stocks Affiliate Program Computer Seventy-Five Learn about e-Learning Tech Hack Ramblings Jack Book Screen Writer Guy Overseas Filipino Worker ViralTags Startup Entrepreneur Money ViralTags ViralTags Earn Money Online Really Smart Guy Earn Income Online Day Mind Xpression Entrepreneurship Internet Web Make Money Blogging Create a Blog Pie Hole start a blog Make Money Blogging Marketing Made Simple Tech Startups Web2.0 Music Videos Static ThinkBox Build Rankings Fast Mrs Sparrow Hot Buzz Weight Loss Really Funny Jokes Best of Blogs Heroin Addiction Codependence Internet Marketing German German - USA Domain Development Blogs Sundhed og Helbred Giving Link Love Business Blog Web Photoshop Tutorials Anitokid Chronikos Klapkids Chronikos esofthub’s web finds Everything iPod Jason’s Random Thoughts Fun Web Development Monetize Your Blog Yung Silent Whisper Stratz’s Blog My Journey ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Blogging for Money Wealth Blog ViralTags Gadgets & Technology Make Money Home ViralTags The Broken Bow ViralTags ViralTags Fanatic Space Cheezmizan with Chuva Catepol Wolly’s Weblog Profitable Productive Blogging Cat on my Head Bloggointestinale 2012 Movies iMod Lorad Zarcon Instruzioni Sid05 Weblog Bayle Random Access Life Mario’s Weblog Acchiappasogni Dietro e a Casa Make Money Online Anchor Text Alex 2000 My Life Personal Finance Hanneng.net Tech Blog Business Twins Pixie Tail Gold Rushing’s Blog Trade CDs Business Chats Paid to Blog MAXFORAS ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Butterfly Feelings ViralTags ViralTags Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery Make Money Online JLS Cisco Networking Humor Jokes Mik3 Web2.0 Founder Interviews Political Social Media Master Engrafter Making Money Online GoldyWorld Fun Static Thinkbox Mariuca Investing Women Online Sexy Celebrity ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Reyne Elena OFWC Center Blog ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Vic ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Tell no Lies McBilly’s Making Money Earn Money Online RideIt Like you StoleIt yoeru Make Money Online Revellian EZ Profit Make Money Blog TeamKyoudo Chew on That Bad Girls Diary Chronic Headache El Commentario Diario Social Media Munching Good Jokes Social Networking Mother MSU Spartan Sports The SOHO Quest Make Money Online Caribbean Travel Blog Jehzlau Concepts Nonsense & Tears Time Clock Software SEO Blog Anything and Everything Father of One Web Comic Artist Justice Investmets Terrible Horrible Evil Russian Jokes Videos Personal Development Blog ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags

Important: Once I get a ping back from you (I promise to do the best I can), I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.

======== Copy and Paste from Above this line ========

Let's get some link love.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thanks Spartan!

Hey Spartan ,
You gave me a wonderful surprise. I could not believe my eyes when I opened my blog today. Wow it looks beautiful, infact as you say beautiful is an understatement. I love you so much.

Thanks for revamping my boring blog in to a cool one.

You are so sweet, and yes you’re a great cook too, of course caring, loving, but a little sadduuu. Thanks for every thing.

Love you lots Palin, be nice, cute and loving to me always. Chupee, chupee, chupee...Eina nangbu yamnaa nungshi :-*

Searching for a friend

Thinking at the moment that, we spend almost all the time we have in our office with our colleagues than how can we have best friends out of office? Who can know us more than our colleagues? Now when I have realized this, I am looking for friends in my office. Some one whom, I can trust explicitly. Who can trust me with every thing.

So lets where that friend of mine is hiding?

Monday, June 18, 2007

So Happy

I think the weather has done its wonder on me; I am in cheered up mood. Happy about absolutely nothing, and believe me it’s such a great feeling.

Well, yes a friend of mine (Anupam) has promised to gift me a Great Dane. I checked out this dog’s pictures on the net as I had no idea what a Great Dane looks like. I was more than happy to see it. It’s a fabulous, huge dog. Wow. The whole evening I was planning that how am I going to take care of it, train it, and stuff... Funniest part is I even dreamt about it. This cute little puppy shitting all over my room.:)

I can't wait to have this puppy, I am also thinking about what name to give him. Thanks Anupam in advance for this :). Well I am writing your name and thanks so that you don’t break your promise. Smart trick, isn’t it??

Thanks good for making me so happy, for making me so privileged, and for every thing.

Bullshit People

Once again I have changed the name of my blog. It’s kind of attempt to run away from some people, let's see how successful would I be. Saturday and Sunday were very very lazy days. Almost slept the whole day, but this slow lazy weekend was really good after a mad week (working week).

I suddenly felt there is no use of paying attention to people, who are too occupied with them selves or their hobbies. This particular person told me that people should not meet every day and should pursue their hobbies. So I asked him, does it mean you will not get married at all, as than you will have to see your wife every day? And as far as giving space is concerned, you hardly speak to me during the day. You call me for half an hour at night and than blog till 2:30 -3 at night, on weekends you wake up around 2:30, 3 o'clock as you were surfing till late night. Then once you are through with other things in your life you call me at 6 in the evening and ask me to meet you. How much more space do you want, and you still think that you can’t breath, you are suffocated, and you can’t take decisions in your life. How funny. But now I have given all the space to this person, as I have decided not to speak to him ever.

First time I was not feeling bad after listening to all this bullshit. Infact I am in a god mood. Working happily and looking forward for good things in life.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy To Have You Back

Darling Blog,

Welcome back.

I am so happy to have you back, i had no idea that you mean so much to me. But once i deleted you i felt like i have killed my best friend. How know so much about me and familiar with all my feelings.

I love you so much
Hugs & Kisses

And thanks a ton to Blogger for restoring it. :-*

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Shrek OR Pirates of the Caribbean

Watched Shrek -3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End on the weekend. Well i found shrek better than Pirates of the Caribbean. Though Shrek- 3 is not as funny as the earlier two parts, nor there is shrek - Fiona spark like in part 1 and 2. But still it's worth watching.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End huh, it should have been named at the wit’s end. If you have not seen earlier two parts don’t feel bad, you still would have been equally confused. This movie is nothing but a piece of mess. I regretted spending 150 bucks on this, over plotted joyless movie.

For these movies I would say law of diminishing returns in its full force.

How does my blog look?

Hey, How's my blog looking? Is it looking better or shall i go back to old style?

I am sorry to hurt you. Please forgive me. i am sorry that i keep on writing bad things about you. But i know you are the best guy. So caring and loving. Just a little grumpy ;-).

Who in the world can wait out side my office every day ? Who can put up to all my stupid and repetitive questions every time? Who can take all the responsibility of being mature in the relation? Who can care for me more then you do? I know you love me a lot. I love you too more then anything. But its just that you stay so strong every time, i fear my being there or not being there in your life does not affect you. But now that we have spoken about it yesterday, i know i do matter to you :).

I am sorry to hurt you, and i promise i will keep on saying sorry every time i hurt you, as we both know we can not help but hurt each other :)
Love you lots Spartan.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Learn to love yourself

Got a lesson from a friend that as long as you don't let go of something, how would u ever know if u deserve or can get some thing better. It’s so true but then it’s easy to say then practice. Just imagine you are in love with some one who doesn't care about you much or doesn’t pays as much attention as you deserve, but then you are deep in love with that person. Can you leave him/her to get /find some one better??

I don't think anyone would do it, to be put correctly can do it. Only time can teach us how to let go of such people. As I believe its better to get hurt once and cry our heart out then getting hurt every day, because this person did not do some thing he/ she should have.

We all should learn to love or not to love some body according to how we are being treated. I don't believe in philosophy like we shall love people irrespective of how they treat us. One should learn to love oneself, and once you have learned the art, no one can possibly hurt you, as you would not let anyone hurt you.

Till the time we don't learn to love our self we can keep our self occupied so that we don't think too much about the person concerned. As we start decreasing the time we give to this person, we start becoming independent. We depend lesser on this person which is a great achievement, and then one fine day we become free bird. Then no such person ever matters to us. So the aim is to become a free bird, now whatever path you chose depends on you.

So, be happy.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Horrible day

Today was horrible day. was working like an ass the whole day, was working on 4 clients. My god some time wonders what does these people expect out of me?? world?? so many calls from clients from other offices from journalists, ohhh felt like a call center employee. Dont have any energy left to speak. :(. writing this post that latter on i could remember that i worked so much and what a day it was. ;)

Some time i think i am not able to make some people understand. I don't mean to interview anyone, but i think i tend to forget sometimes that i don't have no right on anyone to ask them even simple questions like why did you call me?? or you angry.
but thats what life is all about.

Right now listening to "Had a Bad Day song" and "every breath you take". finding these songs very soothing. Don't know what is wrong now a days with a Friend of mine and i , we end up fighting for trivial things. Is there lack of understanding or i dont know if some kind of hint. What ever it is i am not ready for it. But then its life and fate so why would any one listen to me i am to insignificant.

Just wonder sometimes what is it Thai mata has in mind for me. Why have i become to emotionaly weak now a days. Why do i cry on every time on such things when i know some people are rude they don't care about other's emotions and they find emotional people fool, weak and unhappy from within , and emotions are nothing but dramas and tantrums for them.

I am trying to be strong, but in vain. Where is that real me who used to be very strong? Gotta find her.

Well enough being depressing, anyways who cares!
lets see what lies ahead for me.... has to be something good.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Back 2 Work

Back to work. Been to Himachal my home town for five days. Weather was so pleasant, we had to take blanket at night. Met my relatives after a long long time. Wow it felt good.On Friday we went to Murarati Devi, which is at the peak of a very high mountain. Road was horrible, but it was fun going there. View from the top( murari devi temple) was beautiful, we could see Sundernagar Lake, and lot of other places( i don't know the names) from there. On Saturday we visited THAI MATA, my favourite goddess. As usual i asked for lot of things from her. Which i am sure i will get and i dont get them i would get something better. :)

We came back on Monday morning, and i could not even take an off as i had lot of work in office. So while working my beautiful Himachal was flashing on the back of my mind.

But, what to do??.... Ohh just remember i have lot of work lined up.
Should get back to it, if i don't wish to stay back.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Wat do u do when ur sad?

what do u guys do when your sad, feeling low, and feels like if the whole world is after you to let you down??

music really cheer me up. Just some time back i was crying feeling low, and now I'm high spirited girl once again, listening to rock.

So what do u guys do when feeling low??
Eat chocolates,
Go shopping,
Chat over phone for hours and hours
watch movie
curse the one responsible for this
cry in a corner
Wat Wat Wat.....

Do let me know...

keep smiling, and winking:)

Just wat i wanted :)

just in this post i am going to write about some one , once and for all. story begins some thing like...

we met through his blog, became friend and then more then just friends. He would chat with me during the day on Gmail, and would call me at night (as he would be very busy during the day) talk a lot about what we will do together, go camping, spend night looking at stars, and lot of good things. But as soon as i got in to relation ship with him, he was too busy to chat, but still would call me as usual at night only night. So i started saying call me during the day too, if not for long then just for a minute to say hi. So after much hue and cry he started that, he would call me in the morning around 10:30 for a minute and say hi, how are u , ok bye continue working. And some times during lunch(1 min.) to inquire had lunch?? and then would come to pick me in the evening and drop me home. But some times he would hardly talk as he would be tired just pick me from my office and drop me home.

I never asked him to call me for 5 minutes, all i asked was to call me twice a day even for a minute just to say hi, but may be that was too much of asking.

Once hooked to his net he would not even care to send a msg to me, and initially i used to call him once a while during the day but all the time he would be very busy so i stoped calling him.

he sent me a msg around one at night on Friday" hi sweets i have messed up my website big time, i hope i have kept a backup in my office so tomorrow i will go to office in morning and check" So he went to office, worked on his site and did not bother to send me a msg only the whole day, and den called me around quarter to five and asked hey u going for ur guitar class... i ll come to pick u. i said no no u work on ur blog i will come back on my own...

But he came to pick me around 6, 6:15 and then we go to reliance store as his data card was giving some problems. I sat in his car when he went to the store, as i wanted to stay alone, all this time i was thinking what has happned to me, y do i let this guy treat me like an option, when nothing better to do then he come to see me or call me. So i decided i have had enough, so once he was back in his car i asked him to drop me at a bus stand , but at a jamm(before bus stand) i got off his car took my guitar, and took an auto home.

He did not call me after that, then when he was tired of his blogging his net surfing , have had enough of sleep, he started sending me msgs at night(on Sunday, after a day and a night), dat y are u always angry with me? wat did i do.... so after some time i msged back...hey you must have had sleep all day, blogged all evening now when ur not sleepy don't you have some thing better to do??

And today he sent me the most rude email of my life, telling me that Know what, you only know what you want..what you want and what you want...... and if i don't love my self, no one can make me happy...as im not happy from with in... i want him to Call me in the morning, call me in noon, meet me in the evening, call me before sleeping...is there anything I can do besides this relationship in my life?...I don't need all this nonsense in this world. You have placed yourself against the website as if it is some sort of 'other girl' in my life. I have never seen someone getting insecure over her boyfriend's hobby.

Know wat the most stupid and silly thing is that it made me cry....when i should not have given a damn, how silly of some one to even think that i would be jealous of his blogg, OMG...but then dont we learn from our mistakes???

So much for my happy ending....
