Monday, June 18, 2007

Bullshit People

Once again I have changed the name of my blog. It’s kind of attempt to run away from some people, let's see how successful would I be. Saturday and Sunday were very very lazy days. Almost slept the whole day, but this slow lazy weekend was really good after a mad week (working week).

I suddenly felt there is no use of paying attention to people, who are too occupied with them selves or their hobbies. This particular person told me that people should not meet every day and should pursue their hobbies. So I asked him, does it mean you will not get married at all, as than you will have to see your wife every day? And as far as giving space is concerned, you hardly speak to me during the day. You call me for half an hour at night and than blog till 2:30 -3 at night, on weekends you wake up around 2:30, 3 o'clock as you were surfing till late night. Then once you are through with other things in your life you call me at 6 in the evening and ask me to meet you. How much more space do you want, and you still think that you can’t breath, you are suffocated, and you can’t take decisions in your life. How funny. But now I have given all the space to this person, as I have decided not to speak to him ever.

First time I was not feeling bad after listening to all this bullshit. Infact I am in a god mood. Working happily and looking forward for good things in life.



  1. So what are the good things in life acc to you?

  2. Good things,
    things which make you smile, make you happy.

    It can be anything , it varies from person to person.
    Wat about u?? wat r the gud things acc to u??

  3. Good things in life for me is a small home nestled in the hills of himalayas, a beautiful wife and a tension-free life.
