Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How UCB treating its customers?

We are planning to go to disc. On Friday, so all of us (girls) are very excited about it. Since yesterday we are planning who is wearing what? After office Manka, Geetika and I planned to go to Shopper Stops for shopping; all of us were planning to buy some cool, trendy, halter neck tee- shirt.

We looked around all shopper stop, in each showroom for it, but we did not find any tee strikingly good to buy it.

But I end up buying on cool jeans from United Colors Of Benetton. Jeans was little long for me, and has to be altered. Because Manka was in rush so I asked the sales guy there, if I can get it altered at any showroom of UCB, he replied affirmatively saying “ yes , you can get it done at any of our showroom, any time all you have to do is to show the bill”.

So the same evening I went to an UCB showroom near to my office and requested then to alter my jeans, but they downright refused saying “ no, we don’t alter sales items” So I told him politely “ this is fresh stock, you guys did not give me any discount” then they put me to the manager who again said they cant do it for the same reason, so I cleared out his doubt . On this he told me anyway they will not do it till the sales is going on. So please bring it latter.

Now, have I done something wrong by buying their product? Is this what I deserved after spending 1800 bucks? Or their responsibility ends as soon as customer is out of the show room? Or I should not have believed this guy when he told me I can get it done at any of their showroom? Just because they don’t have any coordination among them selves (among showrooms), should the customers suffer for it?

At least from now on I will think twice before buying something from UCB.


  1. Ya I heard a radio show today on my way top office how dealers forget the customers once the sale is done. Beyond the glitter are many stories of customer woes. Like a friend of mine had multitudes of problem exchanging a faulty Nokia phone from the dealer who asked for more bucks. That too just 2-3 days after buying the product when the phone stopped working.

    Maybe we should take everything in written so that in case of any problem, we can go to the consumer court.

  2. Rightly said PN,

    All I wish that either these people should not promise or keep them.
    Don’t make costumer suffer because of your incompetence
