Thursday, September 13, 2007

You too make someone smile

Yesterday Sanna and I went to KFC. As we got down from the car a beggar came running after us. He was an old fellow with disabled leg, and was very feeble. He requested Sanna to get him some thing to eat. He said he doesn’t want money but he is starving.

I asked Sanna to get him something to eat from a vendor outside, as that would be cheap. But Sanna ignored and walked inside, and bought a chicken burger for him. I went out to offer it to the old man. I still can’t forget the spark in his eyes and the smile he gave me as I was walking towards him. When I offered Berger to him, he said` I knew you will come`.

As we were leaving that place that guy stood by our car and bowed his head and kept on smiling. That child like smile on his face was captivating.

I am so happy that we made some on smile. Why not all of us who can make people smile make a promise to ourselves that we will make one person smile every day, or at least every week. Trust me it will not cost you much, or may be not cost you anything at all. It will give you immense pleasure and you will be a happier person.


  1. what a nice story to read :-) warming.

  2. thanx petersan, hope u also make people smile.
