Monday, July 9, 2007

What a weekend it was :)

This weekend was one of the wonderful weekends I ever had. I enjoyed it so much. Laughed a lot, made some of the most meaning remarks, teased, grinned, was happy, sad, ,in short experienced almost all emotions in these two days. Woke up little late on Saturday but unpredictably my Bf called me around 12:15 or something which means calling real early for a lazy bum like him. So the surprises started happening from 12:15 on Saturday

Had the most fantastic time with him, we laughed like mad. I can’t disclose one what things as I have swear on him. Ha ha ha ;-)( I have not put any link on your name Sanna ;-P.)

We eat out at Delhi Heart, a place he almost loathes. So I couldn’t even complain about those stale momo’s I had..uukkkkkkk…horrible :-X, wonder what has happened to that Nagaland Stall, it used to have most delicious momo around Delhi. Anyway….
Came back home quite late, skipped my guitar class too.

On Sunday as usual woke up late, watched Harry potter the first part, than washed my formal cloth, took me whole (BLODDY) day to clean them. Ahhhhh Poor me! Sanna (My BF) called me little late as expected and we made a plan to meet around 7pm, but that plan could not be materialized as I had to go to market to collect my formal shirt, I was out till 8:30Pm so we postponed out meeting to Monday

At night we had fight (Sanna and I) over something, I apparently irritated him, so he snapped the line, and that is some thing I hate to core. So I put a sms as expected out of me, he called back. But as every one knows girlfriends never make up in first call so he called me again (well he is smart) in some time. Than we chatted for a long time and his plan to watch a movie at night went for a toss. I think he watched some part of the movie.

So I had a emotion packed weekend, and it was as I said wonderful.

Today is Monday I am back in office two of my clients stories have make it to Economic Times front page so I am happy.

Well time to get back to work………..

Wow, that was a weekend. :)


  1. Front page in ET three times in a week??!! Wow someone is happening…smart PR pro. Weekend was great fun, and yes there were the little spoilt minutes on Sunday night. But all’s well that end well :-)

  2. Hey sanna,

    Twice not three times.
