Monday, July 30, 2007

What Are They Saying? Who Gives A Damn. :)

What do you have to say when you come to know that you being talked about on you back for having an affair which you never had? :-o

Should you be happy that at least your colleagues talk about you even when you are not there? Or you should be angry on them for spreading rumor about you and being sweet to you on your face?

Well I decided to be happy. ;-) As I know that the colleague I am being linked to by some morons( who are also a big time losers) is a good friend and is about to get married, and I am in to a serious relationship and by gods grace my boyfriend trusts me and loves me a lot :). Well I love him too more then anything.

I told this entire story to the guy I am supposedly having an affair and we had a laugh on it, wonder what people be thinking when we were laughing together.

Ohh poor losers finally some one giving them some meaning to their insignificant life, :-D but how would these morons feel when they come to know they don’t even exist in my world.he he he :)


  1. When rumours about you spread... then thank your stars... you are the IN thing. a celeb;-)

  2. otherwise too, dogs keep barking

  3. Hey there,
    Thanks for the comment. I feeling terrific, suddenly I have become so important in people's life that they can't help but talk about me.


  4. People who talk about other people usually have nothing better to do.

    No life.

    Enjoy yours! ;)

  5. Hey... nice blog... I am happy when I find a blog like this... and not one with 100,000 ads

    Anyway my opinion is that these people that are spreading rumors about you do not even deserve a space in your blog, you shouldnt care at all about what they say.

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Hey Claudio,
    Thanks for stopping, commenting and most of all appreciating my blog.

    I seriously don't care its just that i love writing about everything on my blog, its like my best friend and i love it when people comment.


  7. If I had actually had all of the affairs that had been rumored I truly would be the funnest girl in town!!!

    The rumors have slowed down but the legend lives on ;-)
