Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wow, It is SEPTEMBER!!

It is mid September(Butterfly feelings time ;-))and weather is still not very pleasant here in the capital, but today for change it’s lovely. And as everyone knows lovely weather means staying out of office for longer time and indulging in to that- sweet and never ending “Gossip Sessions”. God I love this.

My boss is out for some meeting and I refused to accompany him, on the pretext of some unfinished work which I plan to finish today. (I ammm Smaaaarttt). We (a colleague and I) just made a quick (30 minutes long) trip to near by momos’ stall. I had corn while my colleague preferred momos. Then we chatted for good 15 minutes out side our office.

Well, the fun does not end here. After stepping into office i had a wonderful gossiping session with another colleague,  it feels good to know what is happening in your own office. Who is going around with whom. Since there was nothing more to know I left the gossiping group and started surfing net.

Read two articles written by Spartan on Mashable .com, and I am still feeling good about it. Ohh, not to forget that I checked his blogs too.

Now I am tired and thinking of working for a while to relax. (Why everyday is not like this?)

1 comment:

  1. ya it can be fun sometimes though I have this irresistible urge to tell your boss about this blog, so that he knows what your are upto ;-)
