Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is "i love u" too personal detail?

My blog is like my personal diary, and people tend to write what ever they feel like on their diaries. But every time I write about my feeling for my boy friend on my blog, he does not like it and eventually I have to delete the post or comment containing my feeling for him.

Is my blog not mine enough that I can write freely on it? Why do I have to take permissions from other people if I can write something or not? All I wish to write that I love him a lot, is it too much of a personal detail to not to be disclosed? If you don’t like something don’t read it, why some people like to spoil others mood?


  1. Nice post!


  2. I know who are you talking about…I have seen his blog and he looks like a loser.

  3. thanks for commenting guys,
    But i love me too much to dump him.
    I am sure we will sort out things soon.

  4. hi! i think you are courageous to be expressing your emotions in your blog.
    it happened to me too that i had to delete posts. it hurts.:(

    but i kept copies in my notepad, in case i want to publish them again ;)

    but i think your boyfriend really loves you.
    guys are weird. we just have to live with it. hihi.

    take care ;)

  5. thanks mornin,
    i think i will also keep copies from now on, any way planning to start a new blog, anonymously where i could write everything.
    once again thanks

  6. I write about my girlfriend all the time and she loves it - if he can't accept it then tell him not to read it :)

