Monday, May 28, 2007

Wat do u do when ur sad?

what do u guys do when your sad, feeling low, and feels like if the whole world is after you to let you down??

music really cheer me up. Just some time back i was crying feeling low, and now I'm high spirited girl once again, listening to rock.

So what do u guys do when feeling low??
Eat chocolates,
Go shopping,
Chat over phone for hours and hours
watch movie
curse the one responsible for this
cry in a corner
Wat Wat Wat.....

Do let me know...

keep smiling, and winking:)


  1. cheer up, the world is full of nice things :-)

  2. Hi, thnx for ur comment.
    Ya ur right world is full of nice things, lets c when my turn of getting nice things comes.

  3. Well my fish Elmo died recently and I cried in a corner with all of my stuffed animals and a blanket. Crying helps get your emotions out. Oh and listening to music helps too.

    ~RIP ELMO ~

  4. ooh that's sad. I sure your fish will go to heaven, and you can have more pets.

    ya right, crying and music does help.
    keep smiling

  5. Being sad sucks, its a normal thing to feel and most of the time we're not sure why, and the things that come to haunt us back are annoying

    what I do, is smile
    it helps.. I read this off a smartie box " smiling sends endorphins to the brain and make u feel happier.
    cool huh?

    or I go shopping, spending money on yourself is good for self-esteem

    going to the gym, doing extra curricular activities relieve stress

    sometimes I write in my diary
    or I talk on the phone to my best friends.

    look towards friends
    they are the cure.

  6. hey there,
    those are great things u do, im sure they must help u to cheer up ur mood.

    Well, when im sad i also do such things but when im pissed it write it on my blog. Now im planning to creat one more blog where i could bitch about everyone who made me sad and curse them...
    new blog since a lot of people know that i have this blog, they know i will have to make a new blog where no one knows my identity...if u want u can join in too....

  7. My boyfriend just broke up... Im listening to music... looking on funny videos..... and, yeah...I don't get happy again:/ nothing goes right for me now... is it possible to get some advices thats realy good?:/

  8. when im sad, i just stop being sad and be awesome instead, true story.

  9. When im sad I usually call my to my friends on the internet...and dance around (: i am in the sad mood b/c somebody is telling me im a liar/theif when im not and i just ignore it...when it comes into mind i picture me slapping the girl right across the face...(:

  10. my girlfriend likes another guy but i dont know at to do we love eachother but idk wat to do. HELP!!

  11. @MATT Dont be sad. Try talking to girlfriend and figure out what is wrong. If she loves you she will let you know what is making her like someone else. Talk talk talk to her and hope everything turn out good for you. All the best and cheers!

  12. see your face in the mirror then certainly u will feel laughing at yourself
