Monday, July 30, 2007

Who is that guy in those “Sexy Shades”?

Yesterday Sanna (My BF) and I went to get his eyes checked. Well the eye specialist said he has to wear glasses or lenses. He being a care less guy opted for glasses (for the time being). All the time there at optician I was teasing him that now he is not only has a little paunch and is getting bald but also going to wear glasses. Sanna also bought a stunning pair of shades from there. He was looking damn good in those amazing shades.

But as I love to tease him, I was asking him repeatedly “ hey do you think it will make up for all your shortcomings??;-) For sure this is making you look hot and sexy but are you assuming I will disregard the fact that you are short tempered. ;-)
He he he…ohhh god I love teasing him. For sure he is a nice, caring guy, who loves a cartoon like me.

P.S.-If you spot a hot guy in shades you know who he is. Right? :-D

What Are They Saying? Who Gives A Damn. :)

What do you have to say when you come to know that you being talked about on you back for having an affair which you never had? :-o

Should you be happy that at least your colleagues talk about you even when you are not there? Or you should be angry on them for spreading rumor about you and being sweet to you on your face?

Well I decided to be happy. ;-) As I know that the colleague I am being linked to by some morons( who are also a big time losers) is a good friend and is about to get married, and I am in to a serious relationship and by gods grace my boyfriend trusts me and loves me a lot :). Well I love him too more then anything.

I told this entire story to the guy I am supposedly having an affair and we had a laugh on it, wonder what people be thinking when we were laughing together.

Ohh poor losers finally some one giving them some meaning to their insignificant life, :-D but how would these morons feel when they come to know they don’t even exist in my world.he he he :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wonderful Days

Saturday and Sunday were wonderful days. I woke up at around seven in the morning, mom had just come from himachal, after receiving a warm hug and having a cup of tea, we started chatting.

We kept on chatting till afternoon, then I left home to meet a friend, we were planning to go for a movie, but we missed, and I don’t regret it. We had a wonderful time together, and after having dinner together and I come home with a good note and promise to meet tomorrow. Come tomorrow and I was again busy talking to my dad , mom and then watching Harry potter.

I met my friend around 3pm and we went straight to watch “Because I said so” I knew its not going to be a fun movie and that my friend is not going to like it but with the kind of movies are on air , I thought this is the safest bet but hmmmm….i was wrong.

Still a fantastic and full of fun this weekend was, come to think of it almost all my weekends are full of fun. Even though I was having differences with my friend (BF to be correct) but the weekend made me forget every thing as he made me feel so loved, so all the things become trivial.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beautiful Himachal

I have come back from my home town after five days of holidaying. The place I belong to is extremely beautiful. My home is in valley surrounded by mountains from every side. You can see snow clad peaks of mountains all year long. God I miss Himachal. I still remember when I was young (I use to stay in Himachal) during winters there would thin layer of ice over water. I would be so cold that my brother and I would not drink adequate water.

We have done lot of stupid things together like killing bats with pillow, we would use pillow as bat and hit bat when ever any unfortunate bird would enter our home at night. We would kill rats and flies. What ever good or bad we have done, I miss it. Well I would not kill poor animals ever again but I miss those beautiful full of fun days.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why Life Is Like This?

Going to my home town for four or five days. Was not very happy to go there initially but now since things are not smooth with my BF, I am feeling good that I am going away from this maddening place.

So times I feel I could go to some place, far away from every body. Right now, I wish to call my mother and ask her to find some guy for me. I don’t want to come back to this place, where every body is so mean.
When I look around I see people unhappy for one or other reason, Why every one is not happy in their life. Why sad, bad things happen?

Is "i love u" too personal detail?

My blog is like my personal diary, and people tend to write what ever they feel like on their diaries. But every time I write about my feeling for my boy friend on my blog, he does not like it and eventually I have to delete the post or comment containing my feeling for him.

Is my blog not mine enough that I can write freely on it? Why do I have to take permissions from other people if I can write something or not? All I wish to write that I love him a lot, is it too much of a personal detail to not to be disclosed? If you don’t like something don’t read it, why some people like to spoil others mood?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Which dream to believe on ;-)

Was surfing through a blogger friend’s blog, In one of the post he has described how he is having nightmares, that his girl friend is dying of cancer. Which causes him intense pain that he cried in sleep, woke up early morning and smsed his GF to know if every thing is alright. Now he wants to know if this dream has any relevance or not?

Well, even I have been dreaming funny things about my office and colleagues now days. (Almost everyday) But I don’t believe in what ever I have seen, is going to happen or is happening :). It’s just that I may be unconsciously thinking so much about these things that they were still running in mind even when I am asleep.

I still remember when I was a kid I would dream about ghosts, some horrible animals every time my brother and I will talk about them or watch such movies. Then we will wake up crying at night, and get good telling off from our mom very next morning.

I don’t believe in nightmares, but dreams yes I believe explicitly. ;-)

Working Hard :(

After working hard all five days of the week I get weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) for my self. But unfortunately almost every alternative weekend I am working as my clients organize all the events, parties on weekends.

I was working all Saturday in office in order to secure good coverage for one of my clients and to get P3 media for the other client’s event, which happened on Sunday.

Not only I had to work on weekends, but when I come to office on Monday morning, I came to know one of the clients interview is happening in two publications, I did not even know the venue. Both of my team members (seniors) were inaccessible, and I had to rush to the interview site after a long discussion with the other branch.

Some time I wonder am I the only person who is working so hard?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How UCB treating its customers?

We are planning to go to disc. On Friday, so all of us (girls) are very excited about it. Since yesterday we are planning who is wearing what? After office Manka, Geetika and I planned to go to Shopper Stops for shopping; all of us were planning to buy some cool, trendy, halter neck tee- shirt.

We looked around all shopper stop, in each showroom for it, but we did not find any tee strikingly good to buy it.

But I end up buying on cool jeans from United Colors Of Benetton. Jeans was little long for me, and has to be altered. Because Manka was in rush so I asked the sales guy there, if I can get it altered at any showroom of UCB, he replied affirmatively saying “ yes , you can get it done at any of our showroom, any time all you have to do is to show the bill”.

So the same evening I went to an UCB showroom near to my office and requested then to alter my jeans, but they downright refused saying “ no, we don’t alter sales items” So I told him politely “ this is fresh stock, you guys did not give me any discount” then they put me to the manager who again said they cant do it for the same reason, so I cleared out his doubt . On this he told me anyway they will not do it till the sales is going on. So please bring it latter.

Now, have I done something wrong by buying their product? Is this what I deserved after spending 1800 bucks? Or their responsibility ends as soon as customer is out of the show room? Or I should not have believed this guy when he told me I can get it done at any of their showroom? Just because they don’t have any coordination among them selves (among showrooms), should the customers suffer for it?

At least from now on I will think twice before buying something from UCB.

What will you call me?

I have 4 gmail accounts, 2 yahoo account, Hi5 account, Facebook, Orkut account and not to forget my official email ID. I have run short of nick names to create new ID’s.

Well I made all these Gmail ID’s one after another to run from people. Every time I don’t wish to see some one added in my gmail, I would open a new one. But when I look back I realize it has done no good. I still don’t wish to see lot of people there on my new gmail Account. And I want to talk to people/ friends which are there on my old ID but cant invite them to new ID, What will they think about me if I keep on sending them friends requests every other day from new ids.

Even my boy friend has started asking me “how many ID’s do you have, hope you won’t go on BF making spree like this”. Sound funny?? Hmmm… not to me.

I have even forgotten from which Id I have claimed my blog on Technorati, of course I am feeling bad and little tensed. But then my BF is helping me to figure out this.

MORAL: - Lot of Email ID’s land you in to deep S&@#T.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Which celebrity do you look alike?


Came to know from a friend about a cool website named All you have to do is to upload your picture and it will scan your face and find out all the celebrities, whom to resemble. Well I have already run it twice with different pictures in hope of resembling some real pretty chick but then no success so far… No problems, all I need is some more pictures and a weekend to do it all day long. ;-)

My colleague has also tried it and she resembles Julia Roberts. But sorry guys she is engaged and we don’t have any vacancy in our office. Bad luck hunhhh.

Here’s the link to this site:-
do let me know who all you guys resemble, and how do you find this site.

What a weekend it was :)

This weekend was one of the wonderful weekends I ever had. I enjoyed it so much. Laughed a lot, made some of the most meaning remarks, teased, grinned, was happy, sad, ,in short experienced almost all emotions in these two days. Woke up little late on Saturday but unpredictably my Bf called me around 12:15 or something which means calling real early for a lazy bum like him. So the surprises started happening from 12:15 on Saturday

Had the most fantastic time with him, we laughed like mad. I can’t disclose one what things as I have swear on him. Ha ha ha ;-)( I have not put any link on your name Sanna ;-P.)

We eat out at Delhi Heart, a place he almost loathes. So I couldn’t even complain about those stale momo’s I had..uukkkkkkk…horrible :-X, wonder what has happened to that Nagaland Stall, it used to have most delicious momo around Delhi. Anyway….
Came back home quite late, skipped my guitar class too.

On Sunday as usual woke up late, watched Harry potter the first part, than washed my formal cloth, took me whole (BLODDY) day to clean them. Ahhhhh Poor me! Sanna (My BF) called me little late as expected and we made a plan to meet around 7pm, but that plan could not be materialized as I had to go to market to collect my formal shirt, I was out till 8:30Pm so we postponed out meeting to Monday

At night we had fight (Sanna and I) over something, I apparently irritated him, so he snapped the line, and that is some thing I hate to core. So I put a sms as expected out of me, he called back. But as every one knows girlfriends never make up in first call so he called me again (well he is smart) in some time. Than we chatted for a long time and his plan to watch a movie at night went for a toss. I think he watched some part of the movie.

So I had a emotion packed weekend, and it was as I said wonderful.

Today is Monday I am back in office two of my clients stories have make it to Economic Times front page so I am happy.

Well time to get back to work………..

Wow, that was a weekend. :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

How to wear SARI

To wear a sari is not a big deal for Indians.

Like in southren parts of the country women wear sari even at night. Wonder how do they manage in sari.

You need to wear a "Petticoat"or underskirt and a "blouse" underneath.
You wrap the sari over Petticoat, make pleats, and tuck the edge in petticoat. as illustreated in the pictures.

On Saturday i wore sari in fact my mother helped me to wear one, and she took more then half an hour. :) As we belong to the part of colourful India where women wear suits, instead of sari.

But certainly sari makes you look more beautiful and sensual.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wow Saturday

Saturday was a great day.... i did lots of great things:)
1) Wore sari
2) Went for a pitch presentation
3) Completed pending work
4) Met Sana......
5) watched "Die Hard"

Not only i wore sari, but also clicked pictures so that i could show it to sana. After the presentation i changed in to jeans. came back to office and completed some work. Than went over to sana's place...., after that we went to watch "Die Hard". We had dinner and i came back home. So all in all had a beautiful day.