Tuesday, September 30, 2008

LinkedIn Doesn’t Allow me to Accept Invitation: How Frustrating

I can’t accept invitation on LinkedIn. It asks me for my password and when I provide the detail and hit enter, I am back on the same page! It just keeps asking me for password and don’t allow me to accept the invitation.
Well, I can understand if I am not allowed to send invitation, but why on earth I can’t even accept one.

Back from the Press Conference- Yawnnnn

I have just come back from a press conference(was playing good Samaritan- colleague’s client) and now I am dead tired. Well, media turned up, as expected finally, infact more than 50  people came.

I am happy that I went to this press con, even though I am like a dead chicken now, because I have pitched my clients to a couple of the financial newspapers.

The Economic Times, biggest financial paper here in India, has agreed to have a telephonic interview with my client tomorrow and the business Standard has asked for more details.I have also met many new journalists. 

Attending this conference and giving a helping hand to Shweta, my colleague, was successful for me too- kind of killed two birds with a stone( well, i will really hate to kill a bird) :-D

I am looking forward to many more such press conferences. :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wohhoo Got a Dragon Tattoo

I have got one more tattoo done over the weekend. I am not very happy with my first tattoo, and ever since I have got that, I wanted to get one more and, most probably, my last tattoo.
Well, it didn't take  much of an effort to persuade my husband (Gawd! I love him). On Saturday we both went to Mike studio at CR Park.BTW, he has got a cool and hip studio( he isn't paying me for this). I like the way they have done their tattoo shop. They even have a big aquarium. Anyway, we were directed to these two guys, who looked as if they are on drugs and have not taken bath for ages (but may be that is their idea of being COOL).
Hmmm, I did not have anything in mind but I was certain that I wanted to get it on my lower back and it should have my husband’s name. So, this guy showed us atleast a hundred pictures and after one hour of scrutinizing and discussion, I decided, I want a dragon, but, I did not like any of the pictures they had. Though, I did like one of the picture, but only its body, not the face. So finally this guy, who trued out to be a graduate in fine arts, sketched the face and name which looks like as if flames are coming out of the dragon’s mouth. 

They also put some cream to numb the area so that it didn't pain,  however, he had to apply something else too to numb it during the process- when i started flinching. I was really very pleased with the professional attitude of this guy (read Ramesh)

It took him two and a half hour to do this job. But i dont mind, I really like my tattoo.

PS.- I don’t like the tattoo I have got from Devilz tattoo’s. That guy also lacks a professional attitude. Infact I had given him a call on Friday, as he was the only artist I knew till Friday, and know what, that jerk put me on the hold while has was chatting and laughing. Therefore, I cut the line, and thought, Dude you just lost a business of INR 15000. Duhhh.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Day

I made a record today! Today, first time in my life, I woke up at 4am (had to go to airport). Never ever before, even during final exams, I made such an effort. Yet, I went back to sleep at 5am, over slept, and reached office at 11am.
Day at office had been good so far until this thing happened.

There is a disagreement on an annul plan between my boss and the corporate communications lady and what is worst they both are talking to me instead of talking to each other. While my boss wants me put something in the plan the lady is asking to remove that thing entirely and put something else. My boss is bit flexible here and is okay if I incorporate the suggestion this lady is making.
Now I don’t know who to please the corp. comm. or the boss, or shall I instead make two different plans and send each what they want. Actually it seems to be a nice idea! :)
Let’s see what I do finally.
Ohh yeah one more of my fish has died today! :(

Friday, September 19, 2008

Peeing Behavior of Some PR Agencies in India

I received this funny email from Sporshi. i liked it so much that i thought of putting it on my blog.

Peeing Behavior of top PR agencies in India as observed by an unknown person in the loo during a PRCAI Summit:

1. Person walks into the loo...looking very uncomfortable..looks around and then runs out..he was spotted doing the same thing over and over again..till finally he ended up peeing in his pants...(employee of Vaishnavi - they are taught to hold on to their Pee as they can be needed anytime by the TATAs)

2. A smartly dressed person walks in enquires if there is a special loo for IT consultants..getting no answer he looks around and then walks out looking disgusted and frowning on others who were using the loo...(employee of Text100 - they expect special treatment everywhere they go...he was later seen sleeping next to the commode..they usually get drunk and behave like this)

3. A person very casually walks in sees that all the urinals are taken..he walks to the basin and pees in that..(employee of the Hanmer & Partners)..they don't really care about how and where they do it..they take the brief and then somehow they do what they have been asked to do...

4. Two buddies walk in together joking and laughing about some new client they have conned..seeing that there is only one urinal available...they both decide to use the same urinal and pee together...(employees of Perfect Relations..they truly stand for team work and take pride in conning people)..

5. A very formally dressed person walks into the loo..he opens his bag..takes out his measurement flask..walks to the urinal and then pees in the flask..measures the pee in the flask and then throws it...(employee of Genesis..very professional and process oriented..they are taught to measure everything they do...infact these guys don't get paid if they don't measure their pee and report it online..they are also forced to buy their own measurement flask and sometimes they have to measures their bosses flasks as well.....

Three of My Fish Died

I have got an aquarium last Sunday, and with in 5 days three of my fish are dead. :( I even changed water and cleaned the aquarium yesterday still I found my last goldfish dead and laying in a corner. :(
I am left with only three fish now. Honestly speaking (read writing) I was sad when my first two fish died but, I think, then I become little used to it, I was not as that sad when I found this other gold fish dead today morning. :/ I simply picked it up and was about to flush when my husband asked me to put it in dustbin.

I have been talking to all my colleagues who have pets (fish) and taking lecture on how to take better care of fish. I have made some pointer and one of them is Gold Fish Are Not For Trainee Aquarium Owners.
So, now I am planning to buy some more fish one of those rough and tough ones. Let’s see how long they live to get my love. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a lazy woman i am!

Yesterday while talking to Bidya, a HR Consultant, I realized how underpaid I am. I have been working like an ant all day long, servicing four technology clients for a meager salary.I sat there thinking, why on the earth am I putting up with this job? Is it because I love my job? Or is it coz I love my clients or my boss or the company? What is it actually? Then I pondered deeper as deep as I could ;-), what the hell, the reason is I am too lazy a bum to look for new job:-/. Infact to share my resume! Pathetic! People from good PR agencies been approaching me and I give silliest of the reasons for not sending my resume, as I will have to update it.
Man! I have got to do something about it! Gotta ask my husband to update it for me :P :D