Friday, September 19, 2008

Three of My Fish Died

I have got an aquarium last Sunday, and with in 5 days three of my fish are dead. :( I even changed water and cleaned the aquarium yesterday still I found my last goldfish dead and laying in a corner. :(
I am left with only three fish now. Honestly speaking (read writing) I was sad when my first two fish died but, I think, then I become little used to it, I was not as that sad when I found this other gold fish dead today morning. :/ I simply picked it up and was about to flush when my husband asked me to put it in dustbin.

I have been talking to all my colleagues who have pets (fish) and taking lecture on how to take better care of fish. I have made some pointer and one of them is Gold Fish Are Not For Trainee Aquarium Owners.
So, now I am planning to buy some more fish one of those rough and tough ones. Let’s see how long they live to get my love. :)


  1. Well bella....all i can think of is change ur pet preference and instead keep a dog..atleast it will be of some use to you....

    you can take him for a walk n reduce some of ur fats too...feed him wid the leftovers so taht u dont feel gguilty bout wasting food and ask him to guard ur place wen u n palin are not at home...n oh yeah...wen u 2 hv a fight..u can ask him to b the me a BITCH now
    love u

  2. Very sad to hear this. Hope Menaka Gandhi doesn't read your blog. May be fishes are not made for you--try keeping some other pet like rabbit or turquoise etc.

    {Instead you have a better pet than all these--- your husband!;)hahaha!!!}

  3. @ sporshi, hehehe no no im not going to call u bitch. i have respect for sanju :P yeah, but, u made a nice point here darling. Gotta convince Sanna for a dog.


  4. Hey.. dont be sad..
    Maybe U took extra care of those lil fishes..
    or the fish vendor gave U old fishes and they died of their age..
    take care of ur new fishes and the one which are still alive..
    and u did changed the water of aquarium.. but did u feed them well.. ;) .. he he
    be smiles yaar.. :)
    and may the fishes' souls R.I.P.

  5. @ Manjari: He he he, u want me to get divorced?? Hope he also not read this :D

  6. @ Rahul, or u can do me a favour! u can steal that kaliya from ur office and gift me. What say u dude??!
    :)P.S.- get me that kaliyaaaaaaa

  7. @ Bhawana the Bella Babe
    Yaar woh Kaaliyaaa toh Gabbar ka hai..
    if i bring that Kaliyaa to U... Gabbar will follow too... :)
    and Gabbar is veryy verryyy dangerous ya.. :P

  8. do u kn sanju wud love to b a dog..wen i am a bitch....did u get his interior motive???

  9. @sporshi, oye this is not an adult blog. Dont let people run their imaginations wild here.:P
    Bitch :*

  10. @ Rahul, and who is gabbar ; ur boss. Let me let him.

  11. i agree with manjari and really wish that menka gandhi or the peta people dont read ur blog :)

    your blog name suggests that u like butterflies, think of some colourful pets like a bird or's tougher than a fish and looks good too... and on top of it, u wud be able to hear the chirping of a bird in this hustly-bustly city...

  12. Dont be sad... you cannot change the destiny.. the fishes that died, were the one who were the weakest of the lot. This is purely the principle of 'Survival of the fittest.'

    Every consequence has something attached to it.. maybe you learned something / maybe not but the thing that is most important is that you tried. maybe the external factor were not favorable for them to live.. life is like this.. for all.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @ Bella
    o u want be to get fired.. :(
    wasnt expecting that from a Friend

    dost dost naa raha
    booo hoo hoo :'(

    shuld i cast a spell on Ur remaining fishes too kya

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @ Shweta: yeah right so ur dad can kill me. I know he never let u have birds when u were young.

    @ King of Wizards: that wat i though when my 3rd fish died. Now the rest are going to live to be 100 i hope :)

  17. @ Rahul: if u dont get me that kaliyaa i may consider.:P

    and so all my fish died because of u X-(. Nakli dost :P

  18. Dont be sad... you cannot change the destiny.. the fishes that died, were the one who were the weakest of the lot. This is purely the principle of 'Survival of the fittest.'

    Every consequence has something attached to it.. maybe you learned something / maybe not but the thing that is most important is that you tried. maybe the external factor were not favorable for them to live.. life is like this.. for all.

  19. @ Bella
    Hmm... i know some Bengali Magic.. i can cast spell
    so just beware of me.. he he
    am ur pakka dost.. will help u get U a new pet..
    how about a baby elephant..
    or a cute fatty Panda.. :P

  20. @ Rahul i will Settle for sharks and tortoise and star fish and some more exotic sea species :) only
    and i know pahadi magic which the worse :P

  21. Oye bhawna dont worry...i also became very senti when my first round of fish died...and 17 of them at one waste of 900 bucks. But after three rounds of death- collectively 42 fishes- finally my acquarium has finally setteled...touch wood.Will give you some tips to avoid further casualty....

    1. Initial three months dont keep more than three/four fishes, till the time you completely understand the nature of the fish/acquarium--how much food they want, when to change the water et al.
    2. Gold fish is the most fragile one, so initially just keep shark fishes. Keep one pair of white and black shark each.
    3. To keep your fish tank clean keep one tank cleaner fish, that will eat up the shit of other fish.
    4. Go to a acquarium shop and get all the equipment in your fish tank, specially since winter is coming, things like water hitter is a must
    5. While cleaning, follow these steps-

    *Get the required amount of water in a bucket and put all the medicines, let the water settle for one hour or so...(please ensure the bucket is clean, i lost my first 17 fishes because the bucket was slightly smeling of washing powder)

    * Then drain the tank water in a clean bucket, transfer the fish to the bucket...

    * Flush the tank....the easiest way-put fresh water and drain it out with a pipe...dont worry about the sediment...will settle in a few minutes...

    * Finally put the medicated water in the tank and and transfer the fish

    If your fish still dies, make fish curry of it and treat palin...just kidding...they are very pretty and better take care of them.


  22. @ Mitabh: hahaha i liked the last point of making curry and im sure u expect me to invite u over as well.
    hahahaha. but nice tips dude i shall certainly keep in mind and BTW ur 42 fish died. Man! ur an inspiration for me :P.

  23. Aisa hai madam.. gaon ke logon ka bhains palna he achcha hai. Where did u get this bright idea of keeping fish?? I'm an animal lover myself, but then I abstain from keeping a pet. Given the fact that my house is generally locked most of the time, they would starve to death. Let me just say one thing, KEEP A GOAT.. U can have it's milk, and, at least, when that follows the same path as ur fish, we can have some tasty chops.. ;)

  24. Grrrr... u nasty guy. U will never abstain from writing something bad ever will u?? :)
