Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Day

I made a record today! Today, first time in my life, I woke up at 4am (had to go to airport). Never ever before, even during final exams, I made such an effort. Yet, I went back to sleep at 5am, over slept, and reached office at 11am.
Day at office had been good so far until this thing happened.

There is a disagreement on an annul plan between my boss and the corporate communications lady and what is worst they both are talking to me instead of talking to each other. While my boss wants me put something in the plan the lady is asking to remove that thing entirely and put something else. My boss is bit flexible here and is okay if I incorporate the suggestion this lady is making.
Now I don’t know who to please the corp. comm. or the boss, or shall I instead make two different plans and send each what they want. Actually it seems to be a nice idea! :)
Let’s see what I do finally.
Ohh yeah one more of my fish has died today! :(


  1. Wow...superb PR professional someone has become. Sorting out differences between boss and client. :-)

    4am is a good time. Glad you broke the report.

  2. @ Palin: superb! wait until my boss read this:-/

    And i have not broken any record i have made one :P

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