Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily battle between GOOD and BAD

Sometimes, I wonder who decides Good and what is Bad? Shouldn’t all the things that make you happy be put in the ‘GOOD’ category? Well, then what if, punching someone in face makes me happy. Ofcourse, it can’t be considered GOOD. Okay, so how about something which makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, as long as people don’t get to know about it, can it be considered GOOD??

or should I say, is it okay to lie to your loved ones because you don’t want to hurt them, because you know your action are going to hurt them badly?

I know you will think, why do something which you know will hurt your loved ones, anyway? But I ask you, cross your heart and tell me honestly, is it easy to refuse happiness?

Be it going for those secret shopping trips or meeting friends anything?
But my question is how far can you go…

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ofcourse! she loves me the most :)

So, my hubby really spoils our daughter and keeps telling her that he loves her the most. Infact, he keeps asking her : who do you love the most and then answers himself boastfully, “Daddy”; while the little one just sit there thinking, so now, how do I put some sense in his big head!!

That is not the point; the point is her first sentence, which was a couple of weeks back, was: Daddy… DHoo (read: go) away! Tada! So much for who do you love the most! bhooo

Ofcouse, she loves her Mummy dear the most, and that is incontestable, Darling. Wohoo!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Winter is making me romantic – for the first time!!

Today I loved driving to office, looking at the blurry sky, beautifully but naturally shaped trees, and above all maddening Delhi traffic jam, all this ignited and brought to life that dead romance in me. Oh yes, I can be romantic, atleast when I’m alone driving and trying my best not to be late to office, like yesterday or day before for that matter like every other damn day, and honking and sneering at fellow drivers.

Ohh, the point is that I was feeling so romantic, so romantic that I wrote an email to one of the authors telling him, that I plan to read his book, so what if I take a year or two to do that. What matters is that I have taken an oath to read it ;-).

I am planning to be in romantic mood all day long today, so you may hear stories of a girl going about planting kissing on every one’s cheek, everyone within 200 meters. 200 meters because people are so scared of grumpy me that they are shit scared of coming within a dart range, poor bastards!

Oops, im not gonna let my anger get the best of me, not today, no chance- here to romantic girl on the block -woohoooo

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ahh Silly Me!

I think, I am done with this world! I am done with everyone. Done letting people make me feel bad, crash my confidence, treat me like shit, and all of that. They say in hindsight everyone is wiser, but me, ohh silly me, just defy all this.
This is all because of me, because I gave you right to make me feel and treat like shit. Make me feel like committing suicide.  Cut my veins or consume cup full of pills or jump in Yamuna, and die a dog’s death.
But the thought is over, and I am still alive, writing this. Sorry I have failed you, because I did not cry myself horse, so what if I was teary eyes- you could not have seen me from 1500 miles away.
I am instead going to go someplace calm, nice place and just think, if all this is worth it?
Darling- I am going to change, but not for you this time …for ME!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Adventure…could have been better, though!

Ok; so the other day I went out for a friend’s birthday party. And as expected of me; I lost my way back home…oh in fact I lost my way to the parking- where I had parked my car- to start with :-I

Anyway, I asked all the autowalas, within my sight, for direction(s). I think, this gave a chance to two college going guys to do their bit of social work for the day. So these, Pseudo- Heroes, started stalking me. Only that they chased wrong girl- Duh!

Just for thrills I press the accelerator flat, but then these stunt-men matched my speed, mark you, MY SPEED! Anyway when I have had enough of their nonsense, I took out my knockout- pepper spray and pointed it to them. Then I dialed a number on the phone, and pretended that I am talking to police, and started franticly gesticulating towards them. hehehe

All in all I scared then off and but I missed not being able to blind them with spray.:'( Tell you; they lacked the sports- spirit for that. :D

BTW- I am reading how to castrate a bull at present! ;-)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dont Mess With Me!

First week at new office -you know how boring first week usually is- if you know what I mean. You have to be at your best, it is worse than first week of your marriage. Where you still have a chance to chide your husband in private ;-). Anyway, here in fact I am not feeling even a bit bored. Instead I am happy that I am away from that blighted soul (at earlier office)- where I had to constantly work on my will and somehow keep myself from the impulse and strong desire of bunging my Blackberry handset at him at a speed of 200km/h J.

But you know every place or office has its own, well-reputed, blighter(s). But trust me, if this time, forget about messing up with me, some irritant tries to say even ‘HI’ to me they are in for fractured ribs.

Geee…I can be a real devil sat times. Now I have scared myself too.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why everything has a conditionality clause!

Is It only me or there are other people out there too, who are yet to experience a thing in their life which comes without conditionality clause? If you need to be successful real fast in life, you got to switch off the fun button in life. If you want to have all the fun, then you either need to be rich or marry a rich guy ;-).

Why can’t I just shun all my responsibilities in life and go live in Himalayas or go bag- packing around the country, for a month or two?

But no, I can’t do all this….. Because this pathetic life has this wretched conditions … conditions… and more conditions about everything…

So, all I can do it to sit on the chair and rant … ahhh…. And I can’t even use cuss words…. Another condition to be a good girl

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vodafone! Your customer care services suck big time

I have just changed my BB handset , so need to setup my outlook account on it, not that I’m too keen (coz I will be expected to respond to emails at midnight and as early as 7am… well expected duhhh ;-) ). So anyway, I have been calling Vodafone customer care since yesterday noon for this. Now I am more than 24 hours and 10s of calls away, still waiting for a mighty password, they are not ready to part with.

Vodafone, for sure, does know how to snatch away the light and humor from otherwise fairly nice woman. I hate you Vodafone….. all you cute looking zoozoos…… you guys are big lie……

Vodafone ! Get ready to lose Rs.1400 a month from your once loyal customer…..

Long live ….. MNP…. And all you other service providers get ready to woo a new customer, which you will surely win :)