Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ahh Silly Me!

I think, I am done with this world! I am done with everyone. Done letting people make me feel bad, crash my confidence, treat me like shit, and all of that. They say in hindsight everyone is wiser, but me, ohh silly me, just defy all this.
This is all because of me, because I gave you right to make me feel and treat like shit. Make me feel like committing suicide.  Cut my veins or consume cup full of pills or jump in Yamuna, and die a dog’s death.
But the thought is over, and I am still alive, writing this. Sorry I have failed you, because I did not cry myself horse, so what if I was teary eyes- you could not have seen me from 1500 miles away.
I am instead going to go someplace calm, nice place and just think, if all this is worth it?
Darling- I am going to change, but not for you this time …for ME!


  1. It seems at times that things come to test our faith in other human beings. We feel out kindness or sensitivity only makes us week to those people who seem to seek to expose our weakness's and feed off them. Jealousy, bitchiness, gossiping or in matters of the heart unkind words or actions . . these are all hard things to deal with and sometimes they seem to come one after another, but when I feel like this almost always someone will cross my path that shows such kindness and humanity that I'm reminded that people aren't all bad, that as a whole people are good.

    Don't ever change who you are. From your blogs only, you seem like a genuine and beautiful person . . don't become harder, more selfish, less tolerant , more self centred, less kind etc . .In the hopes that if you could people wouldn't take advantage or be able to hurt you so much. Part of your strength comes from being able to look in the mirror and know you're not like them! you are stronger for being a kinder better person. However you should never allow yourself to be treated badly so stand up for your right to be treated with respect yes, because no one else will demand that respect for you.

    Good luck and I only hope those people come your way to again give you faith in humanity and make you smile.

    Melissa xx

  2. Hey Fren,

    Saw your posting . What is this ? Saw your anger when u threw away your novel , with anger on ur mom . why so depressed .

    Never humilate yourself .

    I am not good at English and the expressions like you did in your latest post . But never get depressed.

    I understand hurt feelings .

    At times I go to a temple ( any temple , any god ) when it is pin drop silence and pour out myself before him . We get relief .

    Every one has weakness & strengths. Keep weakness behind you . Move on with your strengths.

    With experience I am telling you , In future , once you look back in to your past, these things look silly .

    Take care,

    Share better things in your Blog. :)



  3. @melissaxx ,

    Good Melissa . Someone close to her needs to be with her in this moment of hers .

    She is really talking like a kid. A teenager .

    Better someone remind her that she is grown up to face this , and has a more beautiful future ahead.

