Thursday, October 20, 2011

Winter is making me romantic – for the first time!!

Today I loved driving to office, looking at the blurry sky, beautifully but naturally shaped trees, and above all maddening Delhi traffic jam, all this ignited and brought to life that dead romance in me. Oh yes, I can be romantic, atleast when I’m alone driving and trying my best not to be late to office, like yesterday or day before for that matter like every other damn day, and honking and sneering at fellow drivers.

Ohh, the point is that I was feeling so romantic, so romantic that I wrote an email to one of the authors telling him, that I plan to read his book, so what if I take a year or two to do that. What matters is that I have taken an oath to read it ;-).

I am planning to be in romantic mood all day long today, so you may hear stories of a girl going about planting kissing on every one’s cheek, everyone within 200 meters. 200 meters because people are so scared of grumpy me that they are shit scared of coming within a dart range, poor bastards!

Oops, im not gonna let my anger get the best of me, not today, no chance- here to romantic girl on the block -woohoooo

1 comment:

  1. Lots of boys wanting to come in your way today...lolz :)
