Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life Is Not That Bad After All

Some times I think that I am so bless to have the Sana (My boyfriend). Indeed we fight for nothing at all, some times he drives me mad and then doesn’t call me for the whole day and night. But still he is the only guy, who understands me so well. At times I become so miserable, that I don’t know what to do? I feel sad for nothing at all. I don’t want to get married, I don’t want to work, but want to run away to some uninhabited place. Where, there will be a lake and I will dance in the rain all day long.

But when I tell all this to Sana, and tell him I don’t want to get married. He explain things so nicely, and suddenly change “I” who would dance in the rain in that dream place to “WE”. I tells me nicely,` Sweets when ever after marriage you wish you were never married, I will move to the other room, you can have all you independence and do what you want to do all alone. But I know you, middle of the night you, yourself will run to me and tell me you are done being single.”

He makes me believe things. Boring life suddenly once again becomes interesting and lovely with him. He is the cutest guy for me. I hate my mood swings, but with him around I know everything is going to be just fine no matter what.

I love the way he cares for me. Just some days back he bought me a dozen of bananas and a pack of chocolate cornflakes because he was concerned that I don’t eat anything in the morning.

Thanks god for being so nice to me, and giving me someone like him to be with me and take so good care of me.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Anger is a dreadful thing, well now i know

My health was down for last few days. I was at home all the time; I spent most of my time sleeping and rest reading a novel called “FOREVER”. I have read some 267 pages of this novel and have reached to a level of addiction. There is so much suspense and lot of murder happening and all that.

But my bad luck I tore this novel apart in pieces following some verbal altercation with my mother. I hate it when some one mistreat my books or throw them. And my mother did exactly same, she threw my novel off the sofa when I had gone to the other room to change. I don’t know what happened to me when I listened that “thud”. I came dashing to the room my mom was in, and I picked the book tore it and threw it off the window. Then I went mad I picked all those precious gifts I have got and smashed them on the floor.

Oh I loved those gifts and I have put them on the table besides my bed. Well, about after an hour when I was cool down I asked my nephew to go and get pieces of the novel, which I though still be laying on the ground, but to my disappointment some rag picker had already took them from there.

So Moral is in anger to just lose lose and lose……
Now I am trying to find this novel. I want to know what happens in the end.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Spartan

Hey Petu Spartan,

Many many Happy Returns of the day. May all your dreams come true. May you be the happiest person on this earth. I know i am a bit irritating girl, fight with you for no reason at all. But believe me i love you more then anything, i do act strange and pretend as if i don't care, but "I Do" i do care for every thing.

Every act of yours make a huge difference in my life. I have dream of my future my family with you. Because of you my life is so secure and im at peace. I am not worried of what may happen tomorrow. And it gives me immense joy to know that you understand me so well. You make complicated things very easy. Things which make me ponder all day seems so trivial when you explain them.

I love you lots. You are my world, my petu Spartan.
Once again very very happy birthday.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Life Is A Bitch

Everything is so happy and wonderful, and still it is not. You have get what you needed but then you don't have what you want. In fact you are so confused in life you don't actually know what you want. You try to live every moment. you try not to think a lot about future and decide to take things as they will come. But then is it why you say life is a bitch?

Or there are more reasons for it? Why life keep on unfolding so many mysteries every now and then. Why you cant live your life the way you always wanted to? Why there is some constraints every time for everything? Why cant we be free like birds and fly. Every day at least once i imagine my self away from everything, every one.... in a far far away land, in lush green place besides a beautiful river bank enjoying my self, running like an animal all over the green land which is beautified with most beautiful flowers in the world, then diving in river playing in water all alone for long hours. Then dressing my self with wonderful flowers and sleeping on green grass under the open sky with thousands of shining stars. It feels like heaven. But then i return to my senses and back to this man eat man world, and i ask my self what have i done to deserve this?
Here no one respect each other, women is mere a commodity for large number of men. Money speaks for every thing. But no matter how much money one has can that person buy the happiness and peace of mind i enjoy at least once a day in my dream world??

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pheww What A Day!

opening my blog after a long time. All these days were so very hectic including today. Today I have organized a relationship building meeting of one of my clients with a financial journalist who write on his industry but more of features. Meeting was good until my client broke news to her which even I did not know. I was zapped oh my god what is he doing? It was not supposed to be this way; we were planning to formally introduce this news to media after a week.

I even sent him a message from across the table but I think that sms never reached him.
But as soon as the meeting was over I called a journalist of one of the financial paper and gave the news to him, and as I share good relation with him I told him what happened. So tomorrow I am sure if not much this news will be in one of the top financial paper.

Now I am waiting for my client to send a note on the subject to the journalist who has already called me thrice as his story filing time is approaching him. On my part I have already spoken to client twice and told him journalist’s plight. Now it’s already 5:42 in the evening so let’s see what happens?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Are we new age PR professionals?

I am a PR professional and i love my job. Not only i am enjoying my work , but there is also this new interest I have hooked in to from about 7-8 months, and that is reading blogs on PR 2.0, communication, as i don't want to be left behind. India PR blog is my favorite PR blog.

I am amazed to see that how many people, with immense passion, write on PR and how PR profession is evolving.

But it’s saddening to know “Social Media” is still an alien term for PR professional at large in India. Not only they are ignorant to it, they are not even interested to know. I asked PR people of an eminent PR agency in India about Social media and to my horror none of them knew about it and what disgusted me the most they said “it's shit”

When all these people are there in the profession do you expect “ BlogsPodcasts” making there way in to traditional PR practice?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Love keeps us going

Some times life seems to be so confusing, and relationships become strange. Things go exactly opposite to how you have had planned them.

But then love keeps us alive, and I think we should not do something to hurt our loved one. We have chosen them above all other people, and can’t let go of them for any reason or thing.

I have realized happiness; fun is good as long as it’s not going to create a trouble in our relationship. In life some time you have to let go of things to run your life smoothly and to be away from complications.

Friday, August 3, 2007

My Jaipur Trip

Last two days were very hectic; I was out of town with my team, for some event of our client. I was so excited to go, as I though I will get to see the new city and would be able to buy some stuff. But as soon as I reached there, ahh, we can’t even checked in to our hotel were rushed to the venue and stayed there till eleven at night then we went to our hotel checked in took bath had dinner at around 11:30pm, and then I went to bed.

Next day we got up early went to a famous temple there, and then went back to the venue. Since 9 in the morning I was running here and there to make sure if things are all right and then working in close association of my boss and the person of our other branch for press meet. I could not even grab a bite all this time and had lunch at around 4:30pm.

Right after the lunch we started for our journey back home. All my hopes to see the famous forts of the city dashed, and the worst thing my phone balance died and I could not talk to Sanna, and I missed him a lot all these two days. All the time my colleagues were teasing me for this. When I reached back at around 11:30pm he came to pick me and dropped me home, which I liked so much as a get to see him after two long days.

Well as the out come of the whole event is good, so all’s well that ends well.