Monday, March 12, 2007

Wat a weather

Weather is very beautiful today...just rained about five minutes back. Its not cold but very pleasant,but the saddest part is i am sitting here in my office and working.[on blog ;-)]. i wish i could get my childhood days back, when we used to run through the field during rain(in Himachal)and play in muddy Paddy field, and get all those were absolutely beautiful days. I remember once i got a ghastly cut in my feet as i was not wearing shoes coz i wanted to feel the mud, and i did not even realised that i cut my foot till the time i saw blood...oh my god i was all bloody and i started crying awfully.:-) and scared all the kids.
suddenly, my mind seems to be taken up by the reminiscences of childhood gaiety and and anguish. [:)]...and its a beautiful feeling.

We had a grape vine (very old one) in our courtyard(Himachal), and as i was older to my brother by two and half years i could climb on it( infact a fig tree which dis vine has used for support) and my brother couldn't. So he would wait for me to throw grapes to him. So once i was up on the tree and my brother (whom i address as VEER) was waiting down, but i was being greedy eating all the big ones and was not throwing even a single grape to him. So after waiting for 15-20 minutes he got real pissed off wid me. He said either u throw so grapes or i am going to hit u with a stone, he was holding one pebble. So i said go ahead and started laughing on him as he was very young, and i though he couldn't hit me no matter how hard he try, but to my surprise he threw the stone on me which hit me right on my teeth and one of my front teeth fall down , while the other hung on as by 5% roots still attached. [:)] and i was bleeding like hell. Veer was very scared to see the blood and run away, as i was crying (in fact hauling) my mom came rushing, she was shocked to see me and asked wat happened, i depicted he whole story of course favouring to me :) den she pull of my other tooth too. and i was toothless for some moths and waited anxiously for new teeth. As for veeer...i actually don't remember if got the bashing or not..but I'm sure he must have got....

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