Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What to write?


Its been long since i have not written anything. and i would like to justify this,so the reason for me not been able to write anything
1) Too much work[:(]
2) Paying lot of attention to my boyfriend.
3) Nothing to write about[;-)]

Well i still have work but then i realise i can always squeeze out 10 minutes for my darling blog(whom no one read, as its not public)
Had fight with my so called boyfriend and we are not talking to each other anymore.
And the third point, one can write about anything, there are thousands of things in life you can write about.

Like I'm writing right now[;-)]

well i have finally decided to make my blog public. I know lot of people are going to hate me and ask me to delete this boring, blog, but i am not going to delete it and i don't plan to bore people to death, but irony is that i always end up doing so.
So much for this time.

bye bye


  1. sorry to hear bout your fight, hope things patch up asap. thanks for droppin by my blog. am i your first visitor?

  2. Hey ,m
    Shern's Mom thanks for dropping by.


  3. No, ur not,[:)]
    just made my blog public yesterday...


  4. This brilliant idea is necessary just by the way
