Thursday, February 8, 2007

Hmmm Life

well well...thinking where to start from . I am 26 so there is lot to write about my life, good things, bad things, things i love, i hate, my wishes, desires, mistakes, blunders.....

I used to think my life is my own, but than i realized, no its not. Its not the things i do or i say makes me happy, but also what people around me, dear to me do or say.

Not anymore in mood to write so heavy and profound things, as one of my friend is on phone and making me laugh out loud. Never knew he is so funny....all his questions are making me laugh and at times irritating me too

..... wondering why all my friends think i am so funny, and too boyish. Now a days trying my best to act like girls. [:)]

aahhh enough for today ...will write some thing crappy tomorrow.


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