Friday, April 24, 2009

My Tiny Bragger

I had got my ultrasound done at 12 weeks. The baby was so tiny back then, some two inches long. She was floating like a fish in the water. We, my husband and I, watched her for two minutes and during those minutes she did so many tricks. It was, as if, she new her parents are watching her so she should show off her skills :).

We saw her stretching, crossing legs, and then she put her tiny hand on her knee but after a while she turned her back on us. May be she got bored of all this :).

Now I am excitingly looking forwarded to see her in next ultrasound. I am sure she will be a lot bigger and would know lot more stuff to show off:).


  1. Just wait till the next one and you will see the difference in that little baby...

  2. Just wait till the next one and you see the difference in that little baby.
