Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm 15 Weeks Pregnant

I have been thinking from a long time to start a mommy’s blog. Well, now I am 15 weeks pregnant so I though should not delay my decision to start blog any longer.

Now-a-days, i am reading a lot on pregnancy and the baby’s development. Yesterday I read that at 15 weeks the mom-to-be can also feel the baby kicking inside. Since then I am waiting my daughter, oh, yes I wish to have a daughter, to kick. Just five minutes back I felt a rumble in my stomach wonder if the baby did a back flip or was it my stomach grumbling.


  1. May be you daughter scratched somersault :P. It's wonderful to feel.

  2. hahahha, i wish, it was my daughter kicking :)

  3. Bella...being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs since the payment is pure love:)

  4. ur baby (daughter) will be a neverending song in ur heart. u may sometimes forget the words but will always remember the tune...Good Luck mommy

  5. @ Chandana thanks a lot dear :)
