Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pregnancy at 23rd week and all that

I have not been able to write for a long time, because I was busy working and coping with early stages of pregnancy. But now I have complete 5 months and planning to take a sabbatical from next month. Therefore, now I will have plenty for time for my self.

Well pregnancy at six months: I feel good, no more mood swigs or nausea. But yes, now- a-days I have this unbearable itchiness from neck down till stomach. It is so agonizing that I wake up at night and start scratching like a dog. My doctor has recommended Lotus coco butter moisturizer but it’s of no help. I have been applying all type of oils such as coconut, olive, almond but nothing seems to work. I have tried applying different talcum powder also but as I said nothing works.

But, surprisingly, from yesterday onwards (till 12:54 today) i am not having this irritating itching problem. I have used some prickly heat talcum. I wish it works as I’m tired of behaving like an animal.

Apart from itching everything is perfect. The baby has started kicking and I have been playing Mozart for her. As I have read somewhere that yet-to-be born babies love Mozart. But I tell you, I was damn difficult to find a Mozart CD in Delhi. We looked in Connaught place, South Ex and finally got just one CD in Anasal Plaza, PlaneM. Anyway, my baby is so far not reacting to any music; however we are hopeful that she soon will.

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