God, how annoying is it when someone in your family throws a party and you are specifically told to dress up appropriately. I mean, come-on, do i tell you guys not to dress up in blinding red and green colours and wear kilos of jewellery. BTW, how do you manage to carry around those –a kilo each- danglers? What kind of adhesive do you use to avoid your ears from falling? (You have no idea how I resist the temptation to ask all this.) And have you seen those aunties who wear like layers of makeup and you can’t even make out if they are smiling or grimacing at you. And boy! Try calling them Aunty!
Anyway, so basically, they are not too happy with me turning up in my casual dresses (Mind you- nice white or light pink in cotton) and if i dare to dress up in jeans and tee or skirt, they might give orders of – Shoot at Sight!
I think, best option will be to just skip it -but i can’t even do that- danger of being chased about with a gun around the city for next year or two. So, I will have to brave them on Saturday and I already started to have nightmares. Talk about family time...
Haven’t bought anything, so far, can’t get myself to waste 10-15k on a sari i won’t wear ever again. Guess, i will make a puppy face and ask someone from my family to lend me a sari for a night. Well, must start with zeroing on the person and then being good to her for a couple of days. Think it should do the trick.
Or will leave the list of items, i need for this party, under my pillow; just in case god mother fairy picks dear me this time not that, her favourite, stupid Cinderella.
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